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Posts in dinner
a girl and her bread: a sourdough story

I would have never learned to bake sourdough bread in my past life. Pre-quarantine me was very busy, and I certainly didn’t have time to start something as time-consuming or challenging as baking temperamental bread. Sourdough requires patience, time, practice, and mistakes. I’m a perfectionist at heart, and I usually have a packed schedule, so I never feel like I have time to fail. But here’s the thing, I WANT to be good at failing, as counterintuitive as that might sound. I’ve read tons of articles and listened to experts explain that a huge key in a successful life is grit, the ability to fail and move on from mistakes and keep trying. These days, sourdough has been my low-stakes way of learning to be more comfortable with failing, learning to flex the muscle of trying again and again even when I’m frustrated. This is part one of my sourdough journey, I hope you find it helpful and encouraging that I didn’t wake up baking perfect bread right away (and honestly, I’m not sure I’ll ever make perfect bread, and that’s ok).

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homemade corn tortillas

I never liked corn tortillas until I visited Mexico years ago and tasted my first handmade one. WHOA. When they’re hot off the grill they’re soft and warm and so insanely delicious. I asked if someone would teach me how to make them (good news, I found a willing taker) and now they’re something I love making at home.

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chicken pozole verde

David and I spent Christmas this year in Kansas where we had a delicious white chicken chili at Old Mill Tasty Shop. After coming home to LA, David asked if I’d recreate something similar to eat at home. Because he doesn’t love beans, I went for something more akin to a pozole verde so we could use hominy instead. Pozole verde usually has pork instead of chicken, but I prefer the taste of chicken so I went with that. Because of these swap outs it’s not super traditional, but the end result is still really tangy and hearty and healthy!

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